Oct 30, 2010


yeap! Imma talk bout birthdays..

What do the term "birthday" means to you? Do you find it something special or is it just another ordinary day?

To me, birthdays are something special when it's about the people around me.. Without those days, they wouldn't be in my life now. That's why I tend to remember them. =D But when it comes to mine, it's just another ordinary day.

What about you? ;)

Oct 29, 2010

Is a girl asking too much if she expects more from her guy? 

Sometimes I wish he's more understanding but how can he when he's no me
Sometimes I wish he's a romantic coz that's really sweet but he's just ain't one
Sometimes I wish he's good at surprising as that's something I enjoy
And sometimes I wish he would be more to the person I wish he could be but that's just impossible

Noone's perfect and I guess we shouldn't expect too much :)

Life's nothing but a journey, sailing through the rough yet smooth sea of emotions and obstacles.. I always remember this quote from a friend, "One must overcome difficulties, not to be overcome by difficulties". Who says life would be easy? There's a new challenge everyday. It's up to us to stay strong and get through it, or to be defeated by it. 

I hope I'm strong enough to go through this last month before hell ends! ><"

Oct 25, 2010

feeling like a crap

been sick for few days now.. this really sucks! whole day sneezing non-stop, mountain of tissues piling up, blur the whole day! sigh! and to add to all these crap, I failed my PA paper.. One of the papers that you're supposed to pass easily :( But I wasn't the only one to fail this stupid paper.. This is the second time I didn't manage to finish all questions. Seems like I really gotta buckle up! ><"

Other than all the shite(s) that happened, I guess today's jz another normal day passing by bringing me closer to Doom's Day! :(

Dearest daddy bought a pair of rabbits and another pair of guinea pigs, especially for me coz he always sees me playing with those stray pups that are all now gone.. I wonder who adopted them. Anyhow, I hope they get good care takers :) Signing out now! Peace! ;)